HMR Forced to Close “HairBook” Social Media Network

It was a simple idea with a simple premise – The Facebook of Hair. Now, after posting 13bn dollars worth of net losses, Hair Metal Radio has been forced to close their own personal social media network, HairBook. “I really thought it was gonna work,” said HMR bassist Jizzy Straddlin via Skype from his family’s rural trailer home. “After multiple

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Axl Sinatra Wins “ER Patient of the Year” for 3rd Consecutive Year

Boasting a number of concussions that would shock even an NFL widow, Axl Sinatra was once again voted “ER Patient of the Year.” According to Sinatra, he was nominated for the award by “Whatever Hospital” in “Whatever city this is.” He then asked what day it was and walked into a neighborhood Denny’s where he ordered his meal using only Bon

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